Who says younger people don’t dig Imperials???

I was at the OKC Cars-n-Coffee this morning in the Imperial. Today was the first time I had ventured more than five miles from home in it, and the first time on the Interstate with the car. Damn, does this car drive beautifully, or what??? I had the top down and enjoyed the 28 mile-drive from my house to the shopping mall where this happens on the first Saturday of every month, year-round.

I ran across a large number of folks I had not seen in many years! Quite the turnout today - about 600 cars and trucks, give or take fifty. I had just finished putting up a "happy birthday" card in the windshield, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the build date of the Imperial, when a guy in his 20s commented on the convertible. "One of 514 built in '66!" he says. Needless to say, I was surprised anyone knew that but me in that crowd! Turns out his name is Braden, he's 21, from Alberta, owns a '66 Crown four-door, and is going to college here in OKC. We ended up chatting away for about 30 minutes or so. He has quite a few Imperial parts that I am wanting, as he has parted out six, so far. His car came from an Alberta farm, where it had been sitting for nearly 40 years, and had the engine/trans removed for someone's bastard Challenger R/T wannabe. A derbier had his eyeballs on the car, and fortunately, my new Imperial friend bought it first. Very cool!

After he left, another guy in his early 20s comes up and starts chatting about his '64 Imperial two-door! It is a one-family car that his grandpa bought new in California, then his Dad inherited it a few years back, then selling to his son last year.

So, it was a great morning! This was the Imperial's first real large crowd gathering, and it got quite the positive reactions from folks! The car just glides down the highway! At cruise, the car is whisper-quiet, even with the performance mufflers. I should install an overflow bottle on the radiator, though.
Author: patrick66