What you do to make MoparStyle better if you ran it?

Ok, I'd mentioned previously that I'm so going to remove the entire MoparStyle.com web site, and recreate it over again with a clean sheet of paper. All members, all photos, all posts, all links, all graphics and all forums will be deleted. Those wanting to be part of the new site will need to register again, and those that don't need not worry about MoparStyle ever darkening their door again. Many links, photos and posts link to photo hosting accounts long closed, thus they make the posts worthless.

I've not yet set a date for the erasing and recreating the site - as I'm swamped with a few fires needing to put out - but it will be soon. Fair warning to copy anything you want a record of.

More Importantly, I'd like to know what I did wrong for MoparStyle to have been so active - then participation drop like a lead balloon?

This is a chance for everyone to tell me what I did right, what I did wrong, and their vision of the most perfect Mopar Board. I invite honest questions, comments, suggestions, and criticisms so I can give you the Mopar board you envision.

Please reply in this post, in this forum. I'll make it a sticky.
Author: BK