Vendors’ Section — October Powder Coating Special

To celebrate the month of October (and Billy's favorite holiday), get 20% off on ANY powder coating job done in any Black or Orange powder, or combination of the two. Present in-stock colors include:

Ink Black
Silk Satin Black (flat / matte)
High Gloss Black
Wetstone Black (wrinkle black)

Chrysler Orange
Hemi Orange
Candy Orange (in all honesty, it's more of a translucent root beer color LOL)
Orange Soda
Starburst Orange

You can see actual work samples of all these colors on my website's Gallery section. A general price list is under the Pricing & Shipping tab.

Give me a call or send a PM for more info and a quote.

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I'd also like to thank the Fabulous FABO members who took me up on the September Gift Certificate offer last month ... 65Dartman Don and 6pkDemon2Go Cheryl!!! I appreciate your business very much and wouldn't be here without you!
Author: admin