User feed back made simple?

I have bought and sold a few items on this site.

I consider this site one of my three sources for used parts and fun misc.

Submitting or someone else submitting feedback is a pain in the rear end.

I have had several people not submit feedback on me cause they couldn't figure it out or it was too arduous.

Navigating to the place to do the feedback takes a while, then you have to have a separate window or tab open with the original sale thread which you have to copy and past the url and fill in a then few other slots too.

Submitting user feedback needs to be revised for people with limited computer skills or limited patience or both.

One click under user profile should be the way to go. Green, Grey, Red buttons right in their profile with a slot to fill in a short note (required) regarding the transaction.

Lots of people are missing out on positive feedback which is very important when reviewing people's sales and dealing ethics and the like.

Thank you.
Author: admin