
I really don't know how to approach this. I have spent the last four day in the hospital beside the bed where my wife is. She will be there three more days. This whole thing started about 8 months ago. But short story is she ended up having surgery to remove a rather large tumor from her abdomen. My wife is 117lbs soaking wet. The tumor was larger than a football. It is a problem that a lot of women end up with. Tumor on her left ovary (malignant) of course. It got to be kind of a emergency when the first two trips to the doctors and urgent care did not diagnose it properly. I don't think the doctors listen to what you are saying even when they are listening to you. Anyhow, she is getting better day by day. We do not know for sure what is going to happen from here forward as we have not yet gotten the results from the testing due to the holiday weekend. WTF go figure. Should have the results tomorrow or the next day.

Short of having the test results we have been reassured that she has an excellent chance of not having to have any further treatment. The tumor was totally contained and was not attached to any other body part. Naturally the surgery did include a hysterectomy, after all she is 60 and don't need any of that stuff no more!!!

Here is why I wanted to post this. If as I say someone would have listened to what she was saying they could have caught this a lot sooner.
When she first went to the doctor at the clinic she was complaining of stomach pains/gas pressure, full feeling? This was diagnosed as possible acid reflux and she was advised to get omneprezone over the counter and try that. It seemed to work for a while but not very well and not every time. About a month later she had a rather severe bout and I took her to urgent care where they took and xray to check for ulsers as she was experiencing severe stomach pains (abdominal pains)/gas pressure, that full feeling? We were sent on our way with "its a stomach flue and will pass" By this time she had given up on the whole thing and tried to limit her diet to something that would not cause the stomach gases? Finally it got to unbearable pain so she went to the clinic again. This time her abdomen was really tight and sore to the touch. I couldn't hug her without her complaining. This time she was sent for a ct scan. Then the alarms went off, how soon do we want to have the tumor removed, why wait, so Friday morning she went under the knife.

I list this because she had no flue symptoms and no acid reflux simptoms anywhere along there. Maybe with this information someone else may not have to suffer so long for the correct diagnosis. As is always the case earlier, diagnosis is always better??
Author: hemibee68