Torsion Bar Adjusters, ’67 Imperial

As mentioned in other threads, I'm going to be replacing the Isolators on my Imperial soon. I'm trying to get the parts together in advance (I must be getting old) so I can just remove and replace, not run around and find stuff.

One of the things wrong with my front end is that the right side of the car is maxed out on adjustment, and it's still too low. I'm really hoping to get lucky, and when I replace the isolators, the car will sit level, and the adjustment will come back. But in case it doesn't, what else is in there with the adjusting screw? Looking at the parts book, it looks like there might be a "swivel" that fits into a slot in the lower control arm. Is this correct?

Is it likely to have been stripped out? Is the part available, or is it hard to find? Other general comments and suggestions welcome.
Author: bajajoaquin