The ones that Never will!!!

Here is the third thread in my 3 part bench talk series. This is called "the ones that never will". I want to hear about that one special car you have, the one you love the most. Maybe you're the original owner, maybe your Dad or Grandparents or Uncle handed it down to you, maybe you always knew someday you would own it and now it's yours. But one things for sure, you will NEVER sell it, EVER!!!! Where'd you get it, how much did it cost way back when, and why did you order those seats, all the stuff you love about it so much!!! And make it a story, I've got the time to listen. There's nothing I like better than a good story, especially when it has a happy ending!!! So, let er' rip, boys and girls, let us all know why we can't have it, not even for all the $$$ in the world!!! Geof
Author: admin