The H.A.M.B. wtf? Rant…

Hey guys, I started a thread on The H.A.M.B. asking about bare metal finish and how to preserve it.. Same as the one I recently opened here. Had plenty of people helping me out giving suggestions showing pictures of their cars in bare metal.. etc.

At one point I said the truck isn't going to be a show truck just a shop truck/ daily driver. The best I can use to describe it is a rat rod type look. But not really as it wont have rust or random junk bolted/welded to it. Just a cool one of a kind custom truck.

Next thing I know after about 20 or 30 replies from guys who were really into the idea... I get an email saying that my thread was deleted...

We Dont do rat rods here.

Here was my reply:

Seriously dude? I didn't say it was a rat rod... that was just the closest thing to compare what I'm going for. Obviously I didn't want any rust or random junk bolted/welded to it. The truck isn't going to be some random creation from multiple cars. It's obviously not a rat rod. Forget the fact that my thread may attract a lot of people to your forum with the same question as a lot of people are interested in bare metal finishes. Forget the fact that many of the members on your forum have vehicles with bare metal finishes. Should I just reopen a thread with everything the same and not say anything that pertains to rat rod? Or should I just refrain from using your forum for anything? As you seem very sensitive to certain words... If you ask me any car with a bare metal finish is a rat rod. So maybe you should think about removing some members from your forum if your that sensitive to rat rods or other words... Maybe you should add a warning above your forum with a list of no no words. Also you should completely remove anything that has to do with "Custom" from your forum. Custom is someones creation. If I said I'm going for a "Custom" look you wouldn't have a problem with it. But no I said the words rat rod to give people an idea of what I'm working on. Also I didn't open up a build thread on the thing. I just opened up a thread on how to preserve bare metal! Seriously dude... ridiculous!

LIKE WTF! I even said its not a rat rod! What an idiot! I told them they need to have a list of no no words and phrases. And he needs to remove every member that was helping me on that thread as majority of them had 20's and 30's coupes and tudors in bare metal..dropped no hood just motor... boarder line rat rods! He told me I just need to find another forum. What a dousche!

I told him thats fine.. I dont really want to be a part of forum where I have to watch every word or phrase I throw down.

For anyone wondering they only do "traditional hot rods" on that forum. Forget how lose that term can be used.. or the fact that they have a specific forum section labeled "Traditional Customs". People have been "traditionally" creating custom hot rods and rat rods for YEARS.