That’s my (grand) boy

My grandson loves to go out to the garage. He always asks me was if I am going to work on something.

We went out to the garage a couple of weeks ago and he played with every tool in there for a while then he said he wanted to go for a ride in "the red car" so I fired it up and we drove around the yard a few times.

Then we took it out on the road and did some burnouts. That brought my wife out to the patio giving me some disapproving looks so we took a swing by the patio and I told him to say, "Hey granny" which he did and she snapped this picture. LOL

Then we went back out to the road and did another burnout with my neighbors waving at us and cheering us on. It reminded me of doing the same thing in this same car with my son when he was a kid.

This is Liam. He is my buddy and he loves the garage. He just turned 5 this weekend.

Author: Franktiregod