Seems like

Seems like all you members are just picture collectors. Granted, A lot of us get out to the races and you don't. But then again, some of us are not quite computer savvy like the rest. We have our minds on other things, like how to make the car pick up that extra tenth that we need. We focus on that at the track and at home, sending you a perfect picture is at the back of our minds.

If any of you actually had support for our friends and members, why not come to the track and support us? Some of us have after hours cookouts in the pits that you could attend and eat angus rib eyes! Then again there are moderators that just party around in Florida and brag about supposed happenings and have NO REAL alliance to MOPAR, but to GM, and slam loyal mopar members about not being savvy enuf to send pictures.

I've been a member here over 5 years. I've made a lot of good friends, many of which I'll keep, Made a lot of deals, some good, some bad.
Donated lots of money too.

But there is one member, one only, that has made me come to my decision to leave Mopar Style. Dave, I know you and Damon have your differences, I don't have that problem and it's not either of you. I'd like to think we are all in good graces.

However, you might want to re evaluate your moderators. There is only one that I think might be way out of line. And I'll NOT return to active lifetime membership until that person has been removed. Enjoy the money I spent joining your web site, while employing the cause of some of us leaving. Keep in touch Dave, I'll no longer be back.