Rough Restart

Well its been months and months since last posting on here. My car has just been doing great this winter. I have been feeding her oil monthly and keeping a fresh fuel filter and finally upgraded to a stock air cleaner. During the summer I rebuilt the carb also.


Every morning I press the pedal about 3 times before I start her up and let her run for 5 to 10 minutes before taking off. I usually wait till the temp gauge is at its highest point before doing so. Once out on the road everything is fine as long as its warmed up all the way, if not sometimes it will stall. Normal right?

Everytime after I stop somewhere and start her up again it is really rough (almost like the car is not getting enough gas) and I usually have to two foot it just to get it going again without stalling. Im trying to figure out why it does this (its really annoying and dangerous if I get out into traffic and I have a foot on each pedal). If anyone has an idea it would really help. Thanks!
Author: admin