Rough day yesterday….

Blue, one of our Redbone Coonhounds

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had a rough one yesterday. Was out in the yard for a while. He came in and was walking on three legs. But he was not really limping. He was trying to kick something out of his pads on his one back foot. Ernestina took a look, he had a dried up bee hive stuck in his foot. She dug it out, but of course he tried to play the sympathy card for a while. Fast forward a few hours and we had a power failure. Power was out for a while. Went to feed him in the dark and he was besides himself. Other 2 dogs chowed like normal. I had to get a flashlight and sit with him to get him to eat. This is the fellow that needed a night light to get thru the garage when we lived in AZ. And if by some chance I parked the car on the right side of the garage instead of the left I would have to go and help him thru the garage. If I backed the car in it would put him in freak out mode. To this day he has troubles with the doggy door. He will watch it go up and down half a dozen times before going thru it....often times he waits for it to come down and then tries to go thru it...the door coming down on his back sends him into a panic. Can dogs have OCD?

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Author: admin