Price Check + Questions + A Photo

Conglomeration post:

1. What would be the current approximate going rate for a presmog 225, 318, and A518 Auto w/OD?

2. What would be the proper tire size for a 1973 Fury III? 215/75 or 225/75?

3. Anything special I need to know when buying a battery for the same vehicle?

4. An old photo I found of me at 3 inspecting the damage to Mom's '60 Fury III 318/Auto.

60 Fury.jpg

5. And lastly... Me and Dad took the Fury out yesterday for the spring, fixed the front hubcaps so they'd stay on, took her through the wash, and parked her in a corner down at the Monday night show at Quaker Steak. There weren't many guys there, but it was fun. The best was watching some guy in a hopped up Mustang II make a big to-do about revving his engine all over the place and then proceed to stall three times while trying to leave the parking lot. *facepalm*
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Author: theos911