Pesky door lock replacement? rekey?

66 dodge dart 225. PO never locked it so did not have door keys. he did have ignition key and trunk key. So I bought the LockSmart replacement, worked great on driver door. Tried passenger door and found out that the door is not original to car. And that it is an older door like 65 or earlier. So new lock wont fit. So i removed the old lock thinking I could rekey it, and for the life of me I can not figure out how to open it up? Were these not able to be rekeyed? The outer flange spins, but appear to be machine-pressed on, removing it would ruin it. There is no access to the inner workings of the lock from the outside.

Now I realize I can use the new lock if I ream out the hole and make it fit, which I suppose I could do. But what bothers me more, is the car was painted with the lock in place, so with the new smaller lock there will be 1/4in white around it, and I dont want to repaint the door just for that.

Currently I can unlock/ lock the door from inside. I would like to be able to lock/unlock it with a key from the outside. The picture is showing the old lock I removed from driver door, and the old lock from the passenger door. The larger one on right is the lock in question.

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Author: admin