Penguin sex

A man is down to his last 5 bucks and decides to see what he can get for it from a prostitute. He goes up to one and says "Look, I'm down on my luck and need a way to feel good for a while. What can I get for 5 bucks?" The hooker looks him over and says "For 5 bucks you can have Penguin Sex." The man thinks to himself that he's never heard of this before, but what can you do for 5 bucks? So he agrees. She leads him to an alley and has him drop his pants around his ankles, then starts blowing him. Right before he's about to pop, she gets up and walks away. The man then waddles out of the alley, pants around his ankles, yelling "COME BACK COME BACK!" Suddenly, he realizes why it's called PENGUIN SEX!
Author: admin