Clunker bill going to the house! This will affect our hobby!!

Nancy Pelosi-Speaker of the house” is presenting a bill to turn in cars for cash 15 years old or older. We must e-mail or call the speaker of the house IMMEDIATELY!
For more info go to SEMA SITE OR AACA site. 202 225-0100 is the number to call. Anyone that e-mails me I can forward the info to you. If this gets passed any state can eventually refuse to register old cars of any type 15 years or older.
I would post a link but I do not know how to do it.
Thanks alot.

Here is the email I…

~~From Xcptshnl1, “I am so greatful!”~~

I asked AdamR to make this one a “Sticky” so all could read this.

I am Xcptshnl1, (Exceptional One). My name is Mary Gillespie. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who participated in Memike’s :rock: Bid to Win thread, sent in donations and/or just had a kind thought or prayed for me and my family.

Memike had a little help, but most of the difficult task he did all on his own out of the kindness of his heart.

The generosity of my FABO family has amazed me……

‘ 64/’ 65 valiant,barracuda horn piece

Hello, I’m looking to purchase one of the chrome horn buttons with the valiant insignia in the center. Mine is a different one off different year. Thanks.

‘ 64-‘ 66 valiant,barracuda,dart interior front kick panels wanted

Hello, I am looking for the kick panels for my ‘ 65 barracuda. I have gold interior but at this point I’ll take any color as long as they are somewhat intact. Mine are in pieces and rotten. If you could help that would be great. Thanks.

Medical Properties Taquila

Its benefits include treatment of ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer and Crohn disease.
This development could be the first step in better treatments for ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions involving the colon.

The deliver of drugs in to the colon has been a challenge for the doctors dealing with colon and rectal diseases.

Many drugs are destroyed by acids at the stomach. This could be avoided by the compounds of tequila, a type of…

Tequila must see

Time for a shot, But just one :read2:

Edelbrock D4B on eBay

There’s an Edelbrock D4B on eBay. I know there’s been a few people looking for one recently. Not mine, just passing along the info. Sorry, I can’t get the link to work so here’s the item number.