Oops just saw this forum

I've been here a few weeks posted a picture and a few threads. I went to a car show a few weekends ago with the express purpose of finding a website where I might could find out wheres and hows and whatnots for getting my car back on the road.
She's a 71 Fury Custom. My great-grandfather went to the dealer with book in hand and picked out color, interior, engine, trim, etc. It has been "Old Gold" as long as I remember. He went in 76 and bought a new one, sold "Gold" to my grandmother, and asked for it back every time he saw it until he passed away.
She came to me after I borrowed it and rearended a pickup truck when I was 18. That damage has yet to be repaired. I drove it until about 8 years ago when the repair bills were interfering with school supplies and lunch money for the kids.
About two years ago a neighborhood kid got a pellet gun for Christmas and learned to use it on the windows.
Now my kids are wondering if they fix it can they drive it? How can I say no?
Author: OldGold