nothing is easy on this crap car – need adapters to run new lines

seriously wtf? i am honestly beginning to hate this car and myself for attempting to swap the engine and brakes. nothing just comes off. rusted bolts, seized crap, holes in frame, fittings so bad that had to be cut off and drilled out, literally nothing has been a direct swap.

so today i am excited to get the suspen and brake lines run. yeah right. why should anything just fit. i ordered a brake line kit from a company on ebay. they sent 11 lines but they only indicate using 7 but dont tell you if the others are extras/what. so i get 1 line rigged up and go to attach to master cyl and of course the fitting size on the master is larger than the fitting on the line. so now i need to go hunting for adapters. what a pain in the ass.

where the hell do i get an adapter to go from the master cyl outlet to the fitting on the line? i dont have the patience today to go from store to store to store for them all to tell me they dont have anything.
i am really really tiring of this car.
Author: admin