New to the forum: 1962 Chrysler Newport.

Greetings from Southern Indiana!
I,m a 52 yr old married father of three. My family owned a Chrysler dealership for about 69 years til age, retirement and the infamous Daimler corp. demands resulted in the sale of the dealership. I still have the very first car sold there (31 Plymouth). As well as a 70 Road Runner and a 56 Harley Davidson 165 ST ( also known as a "Hummer").
My father passed away last fall at the age of 84. Upon settling the estate the one item nobody seemed to want but everybody wanted to see stay in the family was "GRACE", dads 62 Newport 4dr sedan. The car isn't a high-dollar collector car but has a HUGE sentimental value. It's now in the hands of my 20 year old son who understands and appreciates it's "value".
"Grace" was sitting in a dilapidated clapboard garage with a dirt floor and a lot of feral cats to keep her company since she was last licensed in 81. The body is pretty solid, the engine is free and the interior is perfect.
I don't seem to see alot of 62s on this site but I would be interested in hearing from persons who have one or can share info.
We don't plan to do a restoration until My son is out of college in a couple years but we'd like to get "Grace" up and running soon.
Thanks, Olmoparnut
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Author: olmoparnut