New, OLD guy

Howdy boys and girls. My first car was a 64 Barracuda that I bought in High School (1969...) for $600.00. 273 with a 4 speed. I was hooked. Since then, I've owned countless Roadrunners, GTX's, RT's, 'Cuda's, and recently, Hemi Ram pickups.

Was heavy into drag racing in the early 70's, with an E-Stock GTX, later a front motored TAD with a blown 392. That, before I learned about physics, and human physiology. Front motored dragsters are a remarkably bad idea.

Now, I think the way of the SoCal lowriders. Low & Slow is the way to go.

But, I still like to show off. Just a little.

My hobby is either restoring, or updating 60's muscle cars to be less inefficient (smog & gas mileage), and handle & stop like today's cars. With the look of the 60's. My daily driver is a new Mustang coupe. Lots of looks, but only fair performance wise. Still, gets 20 + MPG and is a low emission vehicle.

Anyway, I'm looking for a new project. I've found a nice looking 68 Barracuda coupe (notchback), all stripped down to nothing. The guy has a A motor, but its only a 318. I'm thinking about the new 440", 540 HP small block from Mopar Performence: P/N 5153523,

Has anyone had any experience with this motor? Know the price?

I've attached photos of a few of my old projects. Cuda had a 500", 75 HP Indy Cylinder head motor, ran 8.30's. Installed a 450 HP, 440" motor & sold it to a super nice guy in Laguna Beach who drives it every day! GTX has been in mag's a number of times.

Doug "The ancient one"

Attached Images
Author: admin