New Aluminum rad…68 T/C wagon

Been having some cooling issues in the wagon as of late. Actually it's been slowly getting worse every year for a while now. This rad I think is 44 years old...never re-cored? But can't be 100% sure of that. I know for sure it's at least 25 years old. Also noticed that the top tank on the OEM rad was starting to get a couple little cracks...guess several hundred thousand heat cycles will do that. ;)

So since I, and a few of my local car friends, have had good luck with these aluminum rads that I would give one a try. So placed the order and received it on Saturday. Then spent 4-5hours in the sweltering heat....37*C plus humidity! (105*F?) installing it.

As bought...

Engine bay with the old rad....

Old and new rad side by side.

Old rad weighs in at about 25lbs. New rad is only about 5lbs.