Needing prayers for my wife

My wife, Brigid, has been going through health issues for the past several months. Symptoms of MS or ALS. Not diagnosed as yet and our health system is a mess right now. Gone through two MRI's nothing showing, but to the point where she's falling a lot, muscle pain and losing the use of her arms and legs. Slurred speech and I wish it was from drinking, but it's not. Our family doctor thinks it's MS, but the specialists have been less than helpful. So frustrating. 56 years old and gave up driving and unable to work. ALS and MS are difficult to diagnose. If it had to be one of the two, I would be hoping for MS as ALS is fatal.
Haven't been around much on Style. Looking after my wife and recovering from knee surgery. Knee replacement isn't a lot of fun, but getting over it now.
Depressing times. My cars aren't very important to me right now. Stay warm in this bitter cold Winter and above all stay healthy.
Author: Bblock