Life can definately be filled with unexpected TWISTS and turns.

Well lately you may have seen my posts about my next project on my 68 300, putting on disc brakes, but after all the planning and parts gathering and prep, instead of doing a disc brake job all i was successful at was breaking a my back. As im typing this im flat on my back in ridiculous pain in the hospital awaiting surgery in the morning! It had been bothering me for a few weeks, but 2 nights ago the hammer dropped and a disc just absolutey exploded, I've never had such intense pain down the whole length of my leg like I've had the last couple of days. Looks like a good chunk of my summer cruizin plans have been shortened by a couple of months. Oh well, whatcha gonna do right. I dont know yet what to expect for heal up time, but I've been enjoying my time here askin questions and seeing what others have going on, gonna miss it for a while. Have fun guys, and enjoy those rides! Catcha all later.
Author: strokerpost