Letter from the DOC

As a few of you may remember my Dakota was stolen about a year and a half ago. The police recovered it about a half mile from where it was parked for some exhaust work. (amazing detective work, open headers and several calls to the police)

When I got home from work Saturday afternoon I had a letter from the Department of Corrections in the mail. I had forgot all about the person that stole my vehicle until it was brought up at work earlier that afternoon by a co-worker. When I opened the letter, expecting the worst, there was a check for $26.11. This is half of the persons paycheck from the Montana State Pen. Apparently he will pay the restitution that he owes me. At least while he is in prison.:D

Maybe you can pass this little lesson on to somebody in your life that crime does not pay. My neighbor works in our local jail/prison in the commissary. She informed me that this little bit of money is a whole lot to a prisoner. They only make about $1.75 a day five, days a week for the work they perform. After I spoke with her and found out that I just received half of what he makes a month, I almost felt sorry for him:ROFLMAO:, almost. So if you know any person on the wrong track, pass this on to them. When I told my son about this he was shocked. This money is not much but it is a start. Every month he will have to think about that half mile joy ride in another persons vehicle.:rolleyes:
Author: speeddemon