Let me introduce myself !!!!

I grew up in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri in a very close knit family that cared for each other and others as well. That's the way i was taught. No one was better than me but they were as good. I developed a caring nature at a very young age for other people that i didn't even know and were less furtunate than i. I learned to recognize needs of other people that was less fortunate than myself. I recall one day i went to school in Salem, Arkansas and i think i was in the 6th grade. There was one of my classmates in the play area on a very cold day with no coat and i knew he was cold. He had no coat or he would have had it on. That night as mother tucked me into bed she noticed i was crying and of course she ask me what the problem was. I told her of the kid that had no coat. The next morning i had a coat under my arm for that kid and was proud as punch to be able to fill a need that i new needed to be met. Having all my needs met growing up i always wanted to be able to help those less fortunate than i. As my own children went to school in a public school i would meet the school bus driver and inform him that under no circumstances do i want any child to be without shoes or coats and that he knew these kids and knew who needed these items to make their lives more comfortable. He was a very large help in this effort. I once had an employee that had 5 kids with he and his wife riding in a little chevy monza. The guy was very good help and a good mechanic but had one hard time making ends meet. This bothered me knowing all i had and being able to help, the wife and spotted a very nice older 78 ford wagon. Big car at a car lot and ask the owner what he'd take for it. I explained what i was going to do with the car and he let us have it for $600. I was stoked. The wife and i took it home and cleaned it up and gave it to this family. He and the family were speechless. Even though i got a better feeling out of it than they did and still get good feelings over the gesture that i was afforded to do. Many of these opputunities have sprung up in the remainder of my life that i met head on with much satisfaction and continue till this day to enjoy helping those less fortunate than i. My baby is this. I do most of my good thinking riding a lawn mower cutting the grass and one day i came up with this idea that i have founded, funded and supported from it's conception that day on the lawn mower. I call it the "Angel Wing Foundation". This effort provides children with the necessary needs so as to enable them to consider themselves a part of society they live with day in and day out in school. It may be only something as small as a school ball cap that their parents may not be able to afford. Just imagine what that would have done for you as a youngster had you not had something of this nature and other kids did. The school counselors handle the dispursments for me as they see the needs everyday. Maybe a child sets on the bleachers during practice because mom or dad drinks all the money away and can't afford to buy shoes to play basketball in. Recently the foundation funded a trip for various children for a choir trip that wasn't going to be able to go because of funds. It gave me great satisfaction to be able to help when the counselor called and told me of the need. I left the guys on the job working, jumped in the 440 duster and headed for the school with cash in hand. The great feeling i get out of helping children i can not discribe. I get blessed. I am blessed. I have a soft heart but am not stupid thanks to a request i made several years ago to my heavenly father. I ask for but one thing. "Wisdom". I feel he has given me this simply for the asking and without measure. There is no limit as i have proven to myself. With this being a benefit in my life i have realized much success and have much to be thankful for. Two great children that i have brought up as i was brought up. I've tried to teach them right from wrong and i feel i have accomplished that. I recall one summer my son was working on one of my jobs and of course on fridays i payed the guys. I recall when i wrote his check that the numerals were not real clear and that a one may be mistaken for a seven. Oh well no problem. Sure enough he went to the bank and cashed his check and stuck it in his pocket and when he checked out at Wal Mart and payed the cashier he got weak in the knees after finding he had $700 plus in his pocket. He went directly back to the bank and told the lady she had made a mistake. She was releived and i was proud. I drove old clunkers as a kid and never really had a hot car growing up but i believe due to my generosity i have been afforded the chance to have many nice cars that i am most appriciative of. In the past and i'm sure in the future we will have needs that will need to be met right here on FABO and if ever there is a true need i'll be the first to step up but please make certain, WISDOM will be applied. A stranger for me is simply a friend i haven't met and i'm sure most of you fall into that catagory. I appriciate all my friends here on FABO and i feel i have several. Mike and i have started a FABO project that in the end result will help to fund programs to assist the well being of children in need while bringing us all here at FABO maybe closer as a group. I wish each and everyone of you a very merry CHRISTMAS and encourage you to maybe buy a coat, wheather new or used, for a child less fortunate so that you and they may come to know the real joy of this holiday season. Caring and giving. God Bless each and everyone of you. Your friend

Bill Stone AKA Small Block
Author: admin