LED dash light bulbs

Although I was cussing whoever designed our dash lights when I first got the car, after changing out/trying literally every LED bulb that even had a remote chance of fitting, I take back everything bad that I said. Really easy to change these out and try new versions.

Keep in mind that I have not taken the bar down, cleaned or polished the lens or reflectors in any way. I have come across an "1816" style base bulb with 3 LED's on it, that fits the bar quite well. They seem to be more than bright enough to do the job, and they were pretty cheap too ($12.69 with free shipping, for 10 bulbs).

After all the trial end error, there were two different bulbs that fit both the base and the bar. The bulb on the left is a super bright "blue" single LED (also available in green and red, from the same seller). It did a decent job, but the blue tint was just a little too dark for my liking. The bulb on the right is the one that works the best. Bright white in color, and, most importantly, it will fit in the holder (superbrightleds.com has some ridiculously bright bulbs that will plug into the base, but will not fit in the bar). They are, by guesstimate, at least twice as bright as a regular 1816 bulb (probably 3-5 times actually) and they really light up the gauges at night (and, you can easily tell they are on in the daytime as well).

If you want to get some, try this link - http://www.ebay.com/itm/231291701583...%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Author: downtime!