LCA’s worn out??

Hi, I am still pretty new to posting on FABO, so please bear with me(haven't figured out how to post pictures here yet).

A couple months ago, I removed the lower control arms in my 73 Dart Sport as they were moving around so much I could not even get the toe anywhere close to correct. After removing the old bushings I noticed that the entire center section in the arm(where the bushing goes in and what the torsion bar goes in), this whole center assembly felt very loose. Seemed to me like the the control arm opening was worn outward from use. Unsure, I put in new bushings and bolted everything back together.

Now the shaft with the torsion bar stays in place, but the control arm visibly moves inward and outward when I watch it as someone else tips the wheel in and out. I still cannot even get the toe set. I recently replaced the idler arm, and all other suspension components seem to be tight.

I am fearing that I will need different lower control arms? :wack:
Anyone heard of this before?
Author: admin