It was the HUGE trash talk cun-frun-TA-shun LOL

So I'm runnin some errands, and I turn into the "station". Because of the activity in the islands, I drove up by the building, around the island, and into the far lane so the filler would be on the correct side.

So EXACTLY at the moment that I pull into this lane, here come a GREAT big "boy'n da hood" 'n 'es trashy skinny white sidekick, in a Great Big Uhaul van

So the kid gets 'es head out the window, an 'es like, 'Hey, .........Hey!! HEY!! Ya wanna move that, like 'er's a pump 'awright oda THAR


"Are you PAYING me for this?"

And the rant was on. I sat right there, swiped my card filled 'er up, and had to listen to "boy'n da hood" n 'es trashy white sidekick splain how UGLY I was, how I got a GIRL in da seat, n I tell ya, it was GREAT.

I asked him at one point "you wanna talk to a cop 'cause I can arrange that real quick"

Well "no we don' need no copps 'n stuff"

In their defense, they were smart (or lucky) enough to stay in their Great Big U 'all

I don't know where these two had been or where they were goin' but with attitudes and high pressure like that, ONE of em is gonna have a stroke before t' day is over
Author: admin