I’m hot

and tired. Now that I've got ya'lls attention. (Sorry for the lure) Needing help with the 65 Monaco 383. What do I need for the car to change to dual reservoir in the way of booster and such? Also where can I get the whole set up? Drums on front and back. It wasn't a good day in the shop today. First booster was to big and didn't fit the plate nor the firewall. Parts guy says "Drill some holes". I said "noooo, we need something that fits right". He calls the shop back after about 2 hours and says he can't get it to try rock auto. Ok, now I know someone out there has changed to dual and it's probably been discussed before. I just so friggin tired. I'm not use to being in a shop with no a/c when it's 102 outside. I'm not even use to being in a shop. Again, God bless you guys that do this for a living. I'll never complain again about my job. Oh, and while I'm at it...upholstery guy came by and said that they don't make the vinyl for the hard top. It's bumpy and almost feels rubbery. Kind of a diamond pattern. If someone knows where to find that, please add on. Did I mention that I'm a wimp and working in a shop for the last week and 4 days (my vacation) is wearing me out. <please someone bring me some cheese with my whine> I'm done.
Author: Marian