I’m baaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkk!

Been a while, folks.

Since my last post I've been on a journey.

In October I took a trip. Took me three weeks, with multiple stops along the way, 3800 miles on the car, and a lot of good people along the way. It helped begin the mending process. It helped me begin to re-establish my life and figure out where Sarah and Robert ended and where Robert begins. I was able to realize that I still have hopes and dreams to accomplish on my own.

Now that I'm back I've been focused on getting business done. On that agenda I've closed the deal on four cars: a '69 Super Bee, two '69 Road Runners, and more importantly to you guys, an '83 M-body AHB.

Plans for the B-bodies are to restore and resale. I wanna get my restoration shop going again and this is one way for me to get my name out there.

The AHB I'm not sure what to do with yet, especially in the short term, other than to tinker on it, getting it running and driving. Not sure how much use it'll see, as I want to get going on my old man's '54 Ford this winter to get it running and driving and enjoy it next summer.

The long term plans might be to clone it out as an old Sunoco special NYS trooper car, taking it to shows and getting it in parades. I've been dreaming about doing that now for a few years now. It's nothing I'd have to rush on, just take it a little at time and build it from there, accumulating parts, etc.

I'll get up pics when I get it home, which might not be 'til spring, now that's its all snowed in.
Author: ramenth