How to make repop outside door handles work on rear doors

Most of barge captians happen to have four doors so the whole family can join in the fun wallowing down the road in a C body.
As we all know,there is not a whole lot of schtuff out there that is marketed to our niche market--plus we tend to be a cheap bunch.
Between our limited funds and limited availabilty of parts,you have to be creative to make things work.
Take the rear outside door handles for example.
Nobody makes one out of the box for the rear doors of any Mopar
Strike one.
Nos originals are super expensive--when they pop up.
Strike two.
You search all across the country for good used ones only to fine pitted or broken handles.
Strike three--yer out of luck..
Not so fast.
Get a grab on this idea and hold everything Joe Jitsu 'cause I have a solution that will finish off your car to look great and the kids wont have to fight with that old door handle when they want to go cruisin' with the old man.
Author: cbarge