Help ID my 833

7/8" X 3" casting boss on r/side "only" has the following stamped into it: PP833 4644, no partial vin or other markings. Nothing to the right of this number either?

Posted this on the 4 speed forum over the weekend and nothing yet. Figured I'd try here as I cruise this forum more than other ones and figure most other guys do the same.

As noted in 4 Speed forum:
Cast on r/side under boss is: C399129 L, there's a 4 cast slightly above the 3 in the previous series.

Tail has cast: C99126-2

Side cover (Inter-lock type) cast: C-99386

Input retainer cast: Real hard to make out but looks like C9A(or 4?)786

From what I've read on Brewers, based on the "one groove on the cluster" it's a 3:09, 23 spline, but at this point I'm confused.

I'd like to know, if possible; gear ratios, build date (that 10,000 day calendar has my head spinning = duh!) and is this thing worth rebuilding?

Thanks guys.
Author: admin