Harper Conservatives leave Liberals $3-5 Billion Defict

Just got thru watching a BNN interview with Canada's new Finance Minister,, and he says that Steven (balance the budget) Harper,, has blessed us Canadians with a deficit of between $3 - $5 Billion deficit,, so far,,..

That's after Harper gutted Healthcare of $300 mill in 2014 and gutted another $500 mill going into the election, trying to "balance" "His" Budget..

So,, when the Liberals declare a bigger defict this year,,,


The Liberals were left a $5 billion deficit to start,, and Canada has OFFICIALLY been in a RECESSION for over 2 quarters..

I'm posting this so I can link to it when the Liberal basher/Conservative lovers start thumping their chests everytime the CONTINUING defecit is brought up...

Morneau said Canada’s economic outlook “has deteriorated” since the previous Conservative government released its budget in April. The Liberals are expecting a $3-billion deficit this year – more than double the Conservatives’ forecast.

Author: admin