Grades in school really matter?

I guess that depends on what your goals are. Got into a conversation about some of our past presidents being dumb etc. Well, if they were so dumb, how did they get to the top spot in the first place? I can understand it being politics but I also know several people that never got out of high school that have done pretty good in life. I also know some that have high IQ's and made straight A's but live in squalor and have nothing. My oldest daughter is one of those. Now I'm not saying that making good grades doesn't matter because I feel they do but it doesn't seem to matter if you are not retaining what you are learning and are only memorizing the material just long enough to make the grade and then forget about it. Seems my youngest did a lot of that but at least she has a decent job and lives in a decent place and actually has a savings account.
Author: Cranky