funny thing about AVGAS..

reading the Sticky Thread and it reminded me about something..

friend of mine runs a small local airport. long story short.. been filling up every other week with 100LL green in my 99 Cavalier
for the past 2 months now. 3 things I've noticed:

1. A power increase (prolly due to the comp making a more agressive timing curve)
2. A fuel milage increase (about 9% gain average out over a month)
3. The catalytic converter has yet to give up the ghost.

what gives?
thought LEAD was instant death to catalytic converters. and why the higher milage? is higher octane leaded fuels more effiecent then
no-lead lower octane blends? i was under the impression that lower octane has more BTUs.

i wanted to run this in my daily driver first, before I started using it with my 360.

any opinions?
Author: admin