Frozen Ignition Lock

Last night as I was getting in my Ram to go to work, I dropped my keys in the snow. I picked them up and blew off the snow, got in and started up.

This morning when I got off at 7:00 AM, I got in the truck, put in the key and it wouldn't turn. It felt funny going in the slot. I worked it in and out and tried everything, but it just wouldn't turn. I figured that it was probably frozen because the key was wet when I put it in last night.

I went back in the station and borrowed a cigarette lighter. I returned to the truck and warmed the key up with the lighter. After a couple of tries, it broke free and I was able to start the truck.

Once home, I thought I would try the other key that I have never used in case the old key was borderline. In the time it took me to go in the house, get the other key and return to the truck, it was frozen again.

I let it sit because I needed to get some sleep. Several hours later, I tried again and it worked OK. The ambient temperature had risen enough that whatever ice was in the lock had melted. I went into town and got a container of lock de-icer and a tube of graphite. I gave the lock a dose of each. It seems to be alright now.

Next time I drop my keys in the snow,I will be sure to thoroughly dry them off before shoving them in any lock.
Author: Dick