~~From Xcptshnl1, “I am so greatful!”~~

I asked AdamR to make this one a "Sticky" so all could read this.

I am Xcptshnl1, (Exceptional One). My name is Mary Gillespie. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who participated in Memike's :rock: Bid to Win thread, sent in donations and/or just had a kind thought or prayed for me and my family.

Memike had a little help, but most of the difficult task he did all on his own out of the kindness of his heart.

The generosity of my FABO family has amazed me... Total strangers to me most of you are. But in my heart you all are kindred spirits. If you believe in the after life, one fine day I will get to look you in the face and tell you thank you personally.

Until then, all I can say is a simple, "Thank you." You have given me hope and restored my faith in human nature and MY belief in the power of prayer.

If I could bring a smile to your face, or make you laugh with my joke postings, then I feel I have contributed to this site and tried to make everyone's day just a little brighter.

~The Exceptional One~

~Mary Catherine Gillespie

Author: admin