Follow up cavemanmoron out of work till March 09

Hi Folks,

I tore/ruptured the right quadriceps tendon Oct 15th.
I had surgery Oct 27th, 2008.

I went to the first day of physical therapy today,
the Therpaist lady says if you work hard, and are lucky;
you Might be able to go to work the end of March,
no-way you will be ready to go to work,
for the begining of Feb.


Looks like it might be 5 months of no work.

I hope I don't have to sell my house, and car.

I will prob. run out of savings account money around
the 1st of the year 2009.

I am living with my Dad and Step-Mom for now,
untill I can drive myself to the Dr.s and Therapy.

At least I didn't break my neck/back when I fell.

Happy Holidays to all.
cavemanmoron [at]
Author: admin