Engine Serial

I have a '66 Dart GT. Presumably, this is the original 225 /6 engine. About 25 years ago, my grandfather had the engine "rebuilt" by some sleezeball shadetree mechanic who did not do a very good job. My (great) Uncle says the engine rattled like hell, leaked oil, smoked, and didn't have enough power to get out of its own way. After several trips back to the guy, I am told that the guy ultimately got fed up with my grandfather and pulled a gun on him telling him never to come back.

Fast forward to now...... that has always been in the back of my head, that the engine is probably not what my grandfather paid for. It is weak, even for a slant. It's long retired from DD duties, and I only drive it on occasionally, so its not real high up on the priority list, but its nagging nonetheless.It appears to have the correct era of engine, having the drool tube and a 6 bolt oil pump, but that does not mean anything. I am wondering if there is a way to identify the slant in my car as its original engine. Where on the block would those identifying numbers be found? The numbers near the alternator?

I had a '65 dart that I overhauled the /6 in completely when I was 15, and it would run circles around this car power wise. I know that engine was done correctly as it was my first ever complete engine overhaul and I did it strictly stock, and 100% by the book. Same engine one year apart, two totally different animals. Both 1bbl engines, (65 was Carter, 66 Holley).

I cant help but wonder if this guy pulled the engine and put some core replacement in and charged my grandfather for the works. At some point I will probably pull the timing cover and see if its in time. I have made things better by tuning/timing it, but I suspect there's still something missing.
Author: admin