Engine install??

I'm getting ready to pull a /6 4speed and replace it with a 273 4speed in a '65 Barracuda. If I pull the radiator will I be able to remove the /6 and then install the V-8 engine and transmission as a unit? Do I need to have the car on jack stands or can I do this with it on the 14" tires.

I'd like to do this with a 'cherry picker' in my garage rather than having to take the new engine and car to another location. If I have to install the engine and trans. separately it will be a lot tougher as a 1 man operation. I do have a motorcycle jack I can use to get the tranny lined up but working by myself on the floor is no picnic. Hence the preference to try to install as a unit.

So c'mon guys, I know someone out there has tried this method. I want to hear about your success, failures, frustrations etc.
Author: admin