Don’t look at ME ! ….

I'm just the husband of a current C-body owner... and family spokesman.
I'm primarily an F-body guy! With over half a dozen F's on hand, and three kids to pack in, we needed a bigger car. Mama said so.... you know how That story goes....

Nothing in our mostly Mopar corral is comfortable for 5 for more than a few hours from home with the whole crew, or provides much shopping opportunity when we get to our destinations. Not to mention the whole thing about how a regular SUV driver (don't look at Me) feels about being a passenger in something that sits on the ground...

Here's the radio edit version. We bought 72 Fury's 72 NYB.

And the Club Mix Version is...
I've already proven to the wife that I can make a car comparable to todays $25-28K range for $5-7K and enjoy the ride, spending the difference on fuel over many years. So on that principle, I've reasoned and cajoled my way into $15-18K to make a $35-42K family ride from the right platform. The sort of platform that can flat tow my $7K thru mountains to a distant show in style and comfort!

We attended several area events, and also distant events, then as spectators, and watched the internet for the right car to come along fitting our wish list.

Having owned a handful of C-bodies in the past I had hopes of making a 70 New Norker Wagon into a 300 Hurst-W. But with two white cars in the herd, mama wasn't buying. So that left me to shop the options list for a standout in the hues of tan/red/brown/black. Like the others excepting the green '69 D100 I put a 72 Newport front subframe under;) More on that later maybe...

We found the car that fulfill's her wishes and still offers me parts buying trunk space and towing capacity, even after family carry-on's, online, in a 72 NYB, nearly loaded, leather bucket seat car. The few options missing we didn't desire or will add later. We are not restorer's in this case. We are a family with needs, and desires to make memories for our children thru a hobby enjoyed in everyday life. All numbers matching parts removed are being properly stored so nothing of it's originality is lost forever. There will surely be some modifications made that will have the purist's upset. But it's all in the name of practical enjoyment, without rendering the vehicle beyond restoration.

I hope to find assistance here in the effort of making her car into something our family will safely enjoy for years to come.

That is surely where the LP cut will be played......

Author: Rattle Trap