Devotional For 12/2


Even just watching the news, we can’t escape the reality of death in this world. My own father died when I was ten, and, like many people today, I wondered about death. When we talk to people about the Gospel, they need to understand what the Bible tells us about death.

First, people need to know that death was not part of God’s plan. When God created us, he intended for us to live forever in perfect harmony with him. But when Adam and Eve sinned, death entered the world.

Second, death is separation. Physical death separates our body and soul. Spiritual death means our spirits are separated from God, their Creator. Without Jesus Christ, physical death seals that separation forever.

Third, Jesus Christ came to deal with the problem of death-and he did it by experiencing death for us. Most importantly, Jesus’ grave is empty. Because he conquered death, everyone who believes in Him becomes spiritually alive! Let’s urge others to receive that wonderful gift of eternal life. :angel:

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Reaching Your World by Luis Palau
Author: Magnumguy