Continuity check….

Lost power to our well house on Sunday. One leg of the breaker box had 120v, the other 85 or so. Initially I thought a gopher may have chewed the wires. Last night our electric water heater went out...strangely it is back on now. Checked it's power last night, mimicked the well house. 120v on each side of the breaker in the main box. 120v & 80v down stream. The water heater is,hooked to the main panel, fed in an above ground conduit so I know nothing chewed thru it. Blah blah blah...onto my question. The ends of the power feed to the pump house are 150' apart. Want to check for continuity. Can I...disconnect wires from main box (already disconnected at the sub)...tie any given two wires together in the well house and connect an ohm meter to the main box end to check those 2 particular wires? Make sense? Sorta fuzzy this morning...
Author: admin