Changing Number Trems

OK Guys and Gals... I'm baaackkkk!!!!

In a recent contest in The Washington Post, readers were asked to take an expression using a number, add or subtract one, and create a new definition:

The Year 2001 Problem: How to find jobs for all those programmers hired to solve the Year 2000 problem. (y2k) :finga:

Catch-23: Complete the previous catch before proceeding to this step.

Fortune 501: Levi Strauss makes the list, but just by the seat of its pants. :king:

Motel 5: If you're not there by midnight, they turn off the light.:thumbdow:

Dressed to the Eights: Impeccably attired with white socks.:happy9:

Six Brides for Seven Brothers: Someone's gonna get hurt !

Snow White and the Eight Dwarfs: The title, before they expelled Gassy. :fart:

Five Eyes: Other kids can be so cruel when you are Siamese twins, and one of you is wearing a monocle.

665: The mark on the forehead of Satan's slightly less evil brother, Ralph.

Author: admin