Category: General Discussion

One big puppy!!!

One big Puppy——Wouldn’t want to meet him in the woods and not have a gun!!!!!

This Wolf was shot recently in Drayton Valley, Alberta….which is near Edmonton about 3 hours North of Calgary. The wolf weighs over 230lbs smashing the previous record of 175lbs. Wouldn’t want to run into this puppy in the woods. Apparently a bear hunter witnessed this wolf chase off a big black bear at his baiting station.

OIF Veteran Needs help

Local OIF veteran just returned in August of this year. Lost his job and is out of work, lost his car becase he couldn’t make payments and needs a trailer full of his belongings towed to the Phoenix area. His family who lives down there sent him a bus ticket so he made it down there but his things are still here in town. Winter is fast approaching. Yakima, WA to Phoenix, AZ. We may be able to get some funds for some of the fuel from several of the local veterans groups. Anyone heading down that…

Good Idea…..I think

I’ve got a lot of misc. car parts laying around the shop from various past projects and the possibility of getting things mixed up during a restoration is more than possible so i have built me a 15′ X 8′ portable shed on 4X4 skids with a 4′ door in one end that can be pulled up to the shop and placed at the overhead door and as the current project is dismantled the parts can then be listed and arranged and placed in the shed. Those car parts only goes in the shed. Now nothing gets mixed up and…

Lighter flints

Has anyone else noticed a scarcity of lighter flints? I’ve still got a few disposables to scavenge from and keep things going, but this break in the resupply chain seems weird. Several local convenience stores stock fluid but no flints. Flawed logic, at best…

I intend to check a few local “tobacco accessory” retail establishments tomorrow if the streets aren’t clogged with the ill-prepared. If they don’t have flints, something sinister is certainly afoot. There’ll probably be a guy in…

Who`s your FABO Good Guys?

Everyone here has seen the good guy alerts from time to time. How about a Good Guy thread dedicated to those who have helped out others on the site. I`d like to start with mentioning these guys:


It’s Snowing in Denver!

Here’s proof, lol. Note that his butt is waggin so hard my camera couldn’t catch it. 😀

Stupid Pet Nicknames

My dogs go by Maxi (short for Maximus Decimus Meridius, the main character in “Gladiator”. Strength and virtue were his motto and in the first scenes he had a wolf as his partner in war and had a wolf on his breast plate. In reality, the Romans would have Rotties) and Merlin (which is obvious) but they have several nicknames, some of which a can’t post. 🙂

Here’s a few of the clean ones:

Super Dog
Poop Shooters
The Beasts
The Monsters
Sir (or Ms.) poops alot
Miss Piggy