Category: General Discussion

Just got another car in trade for a set of slotts.

Hey everyone. Just thought I would show you my new ride. It’s a 64 Dodge 880. It has a 383 push button auto. Needs a few things here and there, but not bad. The only major thing is, is they had water in the radiator and it cracked the block. So I need to put another 383 in it. Not bad for a set of wheels huh?

Feed shelter animals for free

check this out. Just click to help.;jsessionid=B9E80591FA0AD9B5F7CB1349E4490C55.ctg-a sponsors pay by how many visits their site gets.

bad fuel pump??

i was on my way to school today when my car died, popped the hood and fuel filter was dry, ok i just ran out of gas, put 1 gallon gas, runs good for…

&*@*!# !!!!

Sitting here at work watching the first snow fall in the valley….cursing every flake.


Snow Dogs!

Front yard:

Back yard:


I Got A Job!!!!!

First person I called was my mom. 😀 I got the call @ 1:51 MST and the Fed-Ex guy just delivered the offer letter as I type this! I start 11/9. :clock:


Important E-Mail about cell phone chargers

I got this today. A similar one (if not the same) went around a while back, this is worth considering. My phone has gotten hot from charging, never…