Category: General Discussion

Anyone see the meteor explode over Utah last night?

At 12:07 last night it looked like daytime outside for a couple of seconds. Very weird. They said it was the size of an oven.

What horsepower would a 440 be putting out

Just wondering what kind of horspower an early 70’s 440 would be putting out, its been done up 30 over, Edelbrock intake and 650 carb, mild street…

Christmas Thoughts?

This is suppose to be a great time of year. The kids eyes are bright with great thoughts of stockings over the fireplace and all the lights glimmering in the darkness only to remind us that after we all reach the age of adulthood we then get a different perspective than that of our children. We have to foot the bill ….unless we used our head for something besides a hat rack. The wife and i usually get what we want, when we want, all year long so Christmas is enjoying the excitment of the…

High Performance 318 Qustion

I am going to eventually rebuild my 318 and drop it in my Challenger. I am looking to make around 500 hp. My question is can I build an engine with…

Happy Birthday

:occasion: Happy Birthday to Longgone :occasion:

Hope you’ve had a great B’day and the weather is settling down for you. :cheers:

Glad that’s over

I was welding last Friday, batteries crapped out on my helmet so it didn’t dim properly (or at all?) Next day my eyes were killing me, not much better for the next two days either. Went to the Doc on Monday, turns out I managed to get some metal in one eye to make matters worse. He dug that out and I’m almost back to normal now :cheers:

Play safe kids, it’s a jungle out there 😀

Anyone with experience in used car lots? Own/Manager/Work?

Off the wall question.
Does anyone have any insight or experience in used car lots?

To make a long story short, I have a flip car for sale, that has not garnered much traffic. In an effort to be creative, I put it under the Craigslist “barter” section with the title of “Trade me your non running car for my running car”, where someone with a broken, but better car would trade for my running car.

I got FLOODED with offers. I was offered 3 for one, 2 for 1, and even what I would consider as…