Category: General Discussion

crockpot full of beans

has just finished. won’t be long til it smells around here…..

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace

How many of you guys participate in these website; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Anyone belong to anything else? Are you addicted to them? 64dart170 says I am. He said the computer is doing something with my brain. Who cares, all I do all day long is teach and this is my stress reliever. I enjoy Facebook. I have really been able to find some of my old friends that I went to school with. I moved from Alabama 12 years ago and have lost contact with alot of people. The last two weeks I…

a load of Mopar

I recieved this pic from “62lancer” and thought it was cool enough to put on here. This is a load of Mopar product in 1974 on the rails…. I spot some A-bodies !! Wouldnt that be cool if someone here owned one of these ???


Cool huh ?


rough start to day, part needed, leaking fuel….

Slow getting out of bed. (-) Decide to drive the hot rod, (+) fight the hood latch to open.(-) Stop at QT for gas and the collar for filler neck is puking gas. (-) Run inside for cappuchino (++) hot dog (+) and oil for leaking car (-). Step in gas getting into car (-) Get to work, hot dog bun is a brick (-) and car is still leaking gas in work parking lot (-)

Score for start of the day = (-4)

Anyone know where I can get the grommet that goes into the gas tank and receives the filler neck?

Could use some well wishes or prayers

My daughter Heidi is having a 5 hour corrective jaw surgery this morning. They just took her to the operating room and now dads nervous. Theres a puter here so i can get my fabo fix. i will be here a couple days. So if you have time post a well wish or a little prayer and i will let her know yawl were there when she needed ya. thanks, edit this is my 16 y/o honor student. she,s worried about missing school so we had to do it where it fell on her holiday. Bummer no turkey. lol

Um, WTF? Wheels section? tire rack? Really?

Is this a hack, or will each area of the site be sponsored from now on? Tell me now so I wont waste my time. Maybe I dont know the economics of…

e-bay questions format change

I was just on E-bay looking at some horns for my Dart. I wanted to ask the seller a question as to what the manufacturer of the horns are and dumb ass e-bay changed the “ask the seller a question” format. They now have a fake list of probable questions and nowhere to actually contact the seller to get a
question answered. I’m done shopping E-bay forever. Argggghhhh!!!! Mike