Category: General Discussion

hp loss through drive train ?

how much hp is lost from & 727 & 8 3/4 diff ??? would it be as high as 90 – 100 hp ?

Good Guy Alert – Jim Lusk

Today I got my Performance Indicator from fellow member Jim Lusk in Fresno CA. It was a straight up transaction and he was willing to ship to Canada. Jim told me that he was going to make a wood frame to mount it to and put that in the box. Everything was as he said it would be and was wrapped in bubble wrap to boot. No way could this ever get damaged in shipping. I would definitely deal again with Jim. Great guy all the way. :cheers:


rants&venting ! is there rules for selling items here?

i bought a kickdown linkage from a member and it was not complete missing the peice from the braket to the carb.
i go to the shop they point this out to me, so i msg the user and he first denies it then tells me he probbly wont have the money for awhile if at all,and then tells me well i dont want the item back i have no use for it.

im still sitting here with 1 peice missing.

is there any rules on this site for buyers protection?

3.0 liter SOHC longevity

Looking for a more fuel effecient vehicle than my 360 ramcharger.. and I see a million of the 3.0 liter cars around with high mileage… 200k+. Just…

For anyone who orders pizza!

Ok guys i don’t want this to sound bad but i need to vent!
When you order pizza there are a few things that would help a driver out!
1. Turn on your porch light
2. If you stand on the side walk at night and cant see your numbers please think of us and move them or make them bigger
3. If you live in an apartment please put the name of it when you order!
4. tips are what we live off of! I get it you might be mad if your pizzas late but it not the drivers fault! Still tip them please.


You boys rock!

To all the troops involved in the humanitarian effort at Haiti. I would rather see memorials built to this than war. Being a Canadian and having almost zero army compared to many nations we often send troops to areas like this.Just my thought for the day..

It’s just too bad it takes something like this for us all to get along and work together..

what to call this part?

Any one know what to call the flaps over the control arms under the hood. The are clipped in to the wheel wells and drape over the upper control arm…