Captain Caravelle’s newly acquired Diplomat

Here are a number of photos of Captain Caravelle's newest acquistion. This car is fresh from the "barn" in this case the barn was a 74 year old's garage in East York ON. Car has not been registered since 2007 so it was sitting for at least five years.

Tires required inflation and the wheels were siezed but a gentle tug on it with my GMC broke the wheels loose and we were able to roll it out into te daylight.

This car is very very good, interior is mint, body has one repaint but it looks nice overall. Tinkered with 318 for a little while and it fired up, Brake lines are shot but no show stoppers here. Heck of a deal for less than the price of a platinum seat to see the Maple Leafs play.

Author: Mopar Envy